Articles by: Joe Colombo

San Diego House Floods: Overflows, Backups, and Leaks - Oh My

San Diego House Floods: Overflows, Backups, and Leaks – Oh My

House Floods San Diego CA In the restoration industry, the term “flood” is encompassing a much broader variety of water damage events. You do not need to be in a disaster zone with hurricane rains causing house floods in order to qualify as a victim of “flood” damage. Toilet backups, […]

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Mold Remediation Companies : Asthma Triggers

Mold Remediation Companies : Asthma Triggers

Beware of Asthma Triggers. If you have asthma, an Asthma Triggers can happen when you are exposed to “asthma triggers.” Your triggers can be very different from those of someone else with asthma. Know your triggers and learn how to avoid them. Watch out for an attack when you can’t […]

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Sub-Freezing Temperatures Cause Burst Pipes and Water Damage in San Diego

Sub-Freezing Temperatures Cause Burst Pipes and Water Damage in San Diego

With the passing winter storm in San Diego we are currently seeing sub-freezing overnight temperatures in San Diego, CA causes burst pipes.   With these very low overnight temperatures comes the chance of freezing or burst pipes causing water damage to homes across the County.  Some of the communities that […]

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Roof Leak

San Diego Winter Storm Water Damage Repair

Water Damage Repair – Winter Storm Some of you are going to soon need water damage repair. This morning San Diego is experiencing the first winter storm of the season.  As the rain is falling heavily around the County, roofs are leaking and water is intruding into homes and businesses. […]

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Water Damage Leaking Through the Ceiling From Condensate Line

Air Conditioner Condensation Line Leak Repair

As temperatures rose off the charts in Santee, so did the use of air conditioners.  It is not uncommon during this time of year to see leaks that originate in the condensation system of air conditioners.  The water damage or mold damage that may present itself in your home may […]

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Water Damage To Ceiling From Condensation Line Leak

Air Conditioner Condensate Leak Repair El Cajon CA

Is air conditioner condensate leak a big problem to your home or business? As temperatures rise in El Cajon, so does the use of air conditioners.  It is not uncommon during this time of year to see leaks that originate in the condensation system of air conditioners.  It is difficult […]

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Fire Causes Office Building to Flood in Kearny Mesa

Fire Causes Office Building to Flood in Kearny Mesa

Gold Coast Flood on NBC 7 News Kearny Mesa Fire Damage Cleanup and Water Damage Control Gold Coast Flood Restorations was recently featured on the San Diego news at NBC channel 7. The San Diego water damage company came to emergency rescue to fire damage cleanup after fire trucks put […]

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Mold Testing- Why You Want the Pros to Help

Mold Testing- Why You Want the Pros to Help

Mold testing is an important and non-invasive aspect of examining your home for a possible mold infestation. It is natural to have some mold in your home, so don’t be surprised if the results are positive. If your mold test shows that you have an unsafe level of mold spores […]

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Sewage Backup Health Hazards

Sewage Backup Health Hazards

What are the sewage backup health hazards? If the thought of a sewage backup creates an image of a smelly, unsanitary mess then can you imagine the actual health hazards it poses to you, your co-worker and your family? Untreated sewage not only causes a foul odor, but also incubates […]

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