Tag: water extraction

Leaking Water Heater? San Diego CA

Leaking Water Heater? San Diego CA

Have a Leaky Water Heater? You May Also Have Water Damage Every San Diego home has a water heater, and they all leak. Maybe not all the time, and maybe not for a long time, but eventually your leaking water heater is going to fail, and when it does, the […]

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Sub-Freezing Temperatures Cause Burst Pipes and Water Damage in San Diego

Sub-Freezing Temperatures Cause Burst Pipes and Water Damage in San Diego

With the passing winter storm in San Diego we are currently seeing sub-freezing overnight temperatures in San Diego, CA causes burst pipes.   With these very low overnight temperatures comes the chance of freezing or burst pipes causing water damage to homes across the County.  Some of the communities that […]

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