Emergency Flood Services

Surviving the Shock: How to Deal with Electrical Damage in the Aftermath of a Household Flood

Surviving the Shock: How to Deal with Electrical Damage in the Aftermath of a Household Flood

Electrical Damage in the Aftermath of a Household Flood  – San Diego CA Dealing with the aftermath of a household flood can be overwhelming. One of the most pressing concerns is potential damage to your electrical system. Water and electricity don’t mix well, and the consequences of electrical damage can […]

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Water heater plumbing leak

San Diego Water Heater Floods Can Cause Catastrophic Damage

Everybody has one, and they all leak. Maybe not all the time, and maybe not for a long time, but eventually your water heater floods, and when it does, the ensuing water damage can be catastrophic. Your average tank-style water heater has a typical lifespan of about 10 years. Like any […]

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Protect Your Home from Storms and Flood Damage

Protect Your Home from Storms and Flood Damage

Flood Damage San Diego CA Is your home prepared for all of the rain this winter? Here are some methods you can prevent flood damage to your home. La Nina has reached its peak just as the Winter 2022/2023 begins. After that, it will begin its slow breakdown process while […]

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