Tag: mold damage

Mold – A Brief History

Mold – A Brief History

Mold has been an issue for much (if not all) of mankind’s existence, and the response to it has been relatively consistent: find it; identify it and remove both the mold and its growth source; moisture. •    In the Bible, the Book of Leviticus describes the proper handling of mold […]

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Mold Damage – Is it Covered by Homeowner’s Insurance?

Mold Damage – Is it Covered by Homeowner’s Insurance?

Mold damage strikes fear into the hearts of those who’ve heard horror stories about toxic mold, expensive mold remediation, and denied home owners insurance claims. Yet mold can be found anywhere, including in most homes. It’s usually harmless. Mold needs moisture to thrive. Problems can arise for home owners when […]

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mold in ceiling

Understanding and Preventing Mold Damage

What are molds? – Ways of preventing mold damage Molds are the fungi which are found both outdoors as well as indoors. The exact number of the species of fungi is not known but the estimates are that there are somewhere between tens of thousands to 3 hundred thousand or […]

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