FAQs About Water Damage & Mold

Gold Coast Flood Restorations

Does your estimate include reconstruction

Q. Does your estimate for water/mold damage include reconstruction?

A. We are a full-service restoration general contractor specializing in getting your house back to normal, from extracting standing water to finish drywall and paint. We would be happy to provide you an estimate for reconstruction upon completion of water damage mitigation or mold remediation demo.

Unfortunately we cannot offer an accurate reconstruction estimate until after water damage or mold remediation demo has been completed. This gives us a complete picture of how much reconstruction work and materials are needed. If we cannot perform the reconstruction for you in a satisfactory time frame, we can refer another trusted contractor within our network.

Can I turn off your drying equipment overnight?

Q. Your drying equipment is loud and obnoxious and I can’t sleep. Can I turn it off overnight?

A. Short answer: NO! We completely understand the inconvenience that a flood brings. In fact, most of our employees have all lived through a flood in their own homes at some point. However, prematurely shutting the drying equipment down interrupts the drying process and will lead to a longer dryout process. What should be a 3-day dryout may end up taking 5 days or longer if the equipment is not allowed to run undisturbed. Even if walls and materials may feel dry to the touch, only the specialized moisture meters that our technicians carry can accurately measure the moisture content of drywall and other materials. It is important to achieve a rapid dry down of elevated moisture levels to prevent secondary mold damage.

You have equipment running in my house and it shut down, what should I do

Q. You have equipment running in my house and it shut down, what should I do?

A. Please call our office at 888-373-9243 if you have an equipment malfunction at your property. Our technicians can walk you through the proper steps to getting the equipment up and running again safely.

how much do you charge to inspect after a flood

Q. I had a flood at my house, how much do you charge to inspect and provide me with an estimate?

A. If you have suffered a flood or water damage of a sudden nature, we will come out and inspect free of charge. Our technicians will advise you on the severity of the problem and the proper steps involved in filing an insurance claim, if advisable.

FAQs About Water Damage and Mold - Gold Coast Flood Restorations - San Diego CA

Water Damage

Do I have to use the vendor that my insurance carrier recommends?

Q. I had water damage to my home, and your company left me an estimate. My insurance carrier now wants me to use another water damage company. Do I have to use the vendor that my insurance recommends?

A. Absolutely not! In the state of California, you have the legal right to choose whichever vendor you trust. Insurance carriers have their “preferred vendors” as a way to streamline the paperwork and payment process following work performed as a result of an insurance claim. We use the same Xactimate pricing system accepted industry-wide as these preferred vendors and are specialists in handling insurance claims and working with adjusters.

If you are impressed with our technicians and feel that you are in good hands with Gold Coast (as most people are!), please let your insurance carrier know that you would like Gold Coast Flood Restorations to be your vendor, and we will take it from there.

Your estimate for water damage seems higher than other bids

Q. Your estimate for water damage and/or mold remediation seems higher than other bids I received, why is that?

A. We pride ourselves on providing estimates as accurate as we can ascertain given the information available to us. When comparing our estimate to another vendor’s, pay close attention to the scope of work we have detailed out, to make sure you are comparing apples to apples. We may be including a service we deem necessary that another company has left out. This has become a common practice in the industry to “get your foot” in the door and then charge for it after the fact. This is definitely a “get what you pay for” industry, and while we do not profess to be the least expensive, we do pride ourselves on being the best.

Does the master insurance policy of the HOA cover damages

Q. I own a condominium that has suffered water damage. Does the master insurance policy of the homeowner’s association cover damages to my unit?

A. The short answer to this question is NOT ALWAYS. It has been our experience that the master policy coverage is determined on a case by case basis based on the CC&Rs of the HOA. Additionally, HOAs often carry insurance deductibles in excess of $10,000-$25,000. Please inform yourself whether your HOAs insurance policy covers your unit and what the deductible is so you and make an educated decision. It is vitally important that you purchase homeowner’s insurance for your unit regardless of whether it is required or not by your mortgage company so that you have control when disaster strikes. Please call our office today at 888-373-9243 for additional information and referrals to qualified insurance professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions about water damage and mold - Gold Coast Flood Restorations San Diego CA


Do you offer mold inspections

Q. I am buying or selling a home in San Diego and my home inspector recommended a mold inspection. Do you offer this service?

A. YES. Please call our office TODAY at 888-373-9243 for pricing and availability. There are two ways to try and locate an unseen issue. Our moisture meters can detect elevated moisture levels behind walls, which may indicate a source (such as a plumbing leak or exterior water intrusion). Even though our moisture meters cannot detect mold itself, mold requires constant moisture to cultivate, and therefore finding moisture is a good place to start. We can then perform an “invasive inspection”, where our technicians cut small holes in the wall at the most likely source points, and perform a visual inspection or insert a borescope (thin flexible camera) to try and visually locate mold growth.

The only way to definitively know if you have a mold problem without cutting into walls is to have a laboratory collect air samples to submit for laboratory analysis. If you think you might have a mold problem that is currently unseen, but would like to avoid inspection holes cut in your walls, contact our office at 888-373-9243 for an air testing laboratory recommendation.

How long will a mold remediation project last

Q. How long will a mold remediation project last?

A. The answer to this question depends on the severity of the problem you are experiencing. On average, a standard mold remediation takes between 7-10 days to complete. There are many cases that are minor and can be completed in much less time, including same-day. Please call our office at 888-373-9243 to schedule an inspection. Our inspecting technician will be able to give you a more detailed timeline following evaluation of the affected areas and determining the severity of the problem.

Will I need to move out while you perform a mold remediation

Q. Will I need to move out of my home while you perform a mold remediation?

A. Depending on the severity of the mold remediation and the rooms affected, it is common for residents to remain living in the home during our work. The affected areas will be sealed off and all work will be completed in a HEPA filtered negative pressure containment chamber environment. However, it may not be feasible to occupy a home if the kitchen or bathrooms are under containment for a lengthy period of time. If that is the case, we recommend temporary housing for the duration of the remediation process. Please discuss these details with your estimator or call the office at 888-373-9243 for more details.

What is your warranty/guarantee

Q. What is your warranty/guarantee following a mold remediation performed at my home?

A. Following any mold remediation, an air clearance test by a 3rd party independent laboratory will be required. We include this testing in our estimate for your convenience. If you prefer to coordinate your own testing please let us know and we will be happy to make the adjustment to your estimate/final bill. We require this testing to prove that the air quality inside our containment of the affected area is safe for re-habitation (mold pathogens absent or below acceptable limits). This protects all parties involved (owner,tenant and contractor) and provides analytical proof that the mold remediation project was successful.

how long until mold starts to develop

Q. I recently had some water damage to my home – how long until mold starts to develop?

A. Depending on conditions and the source, mold can develop following a water leak in as little as 24-48 hours. We don’t ever want our customers to feel like we are pushing them to make a decision in a stressful situation, however, when it comes to water damage, the situation can only get worse as time passes. Quick action is key to preventing further water damage and/or secondary mold growth. Please call our office today at 888-373-9243 to schedule an evaluation of your current problem.

Do you offer free mold inspections

Q. Do you offer free mold inspections and estimates?

A. We charge a small fee to investigate and advise on your visible mold infestation. Please call the office during normal business hours to inquire about current mold inspection rates and schedule an appointment. You will receive a detailed estimate and protocol for resolving your mold problem.

I have black mold

Q. I have black mold and I’m feeling sick, are my symptoms definitely from the mold?

A. While we cannot give medical advice and urge anyone with symptoms possibly related to a mold infestation to consult with their doctor, we can say that persons living in a dwelling affected by mold are at risk of potential health problems. Keep in mind that the pigmentation of mold does not always associate it’s toxicity. Not all toxic molds are black in color, and not all black molds are highly toxic. Please visit our website at https://goldcoastflood.com/mold for more specific information andresources related to mold exposure.

Does homeowner’s insurance cover damages

Does homeowner’s insurance cover damages

A. It has been our experience that many insurance companies do NOT pay for mold damage. Some insurance companies offer limited coverage amounts. Some insurance carriers offer programs that allow you to pay a higher premium that covers extended mold coverage. Please call our office today at 888-373-9243 for additional information and referrals to qualified insurance professionals.

I have visible mold

Q. I have visible mold in my house. Can you tell me if it is dangerous and how much it will cost to remove it?

A. The ONLY way to correctly identify a mold species, whether it is visible mold or not, is to submit either a surface tape-lift sample on the visible mold or an air sample to a certified laboratory for scientific analysis. While our technicians are specialists and certified in mold remediation/eradication, the samples themselves must be taken by a certified laboratory. A mold inspection focus on identifying the severity of a mold problem and the measures required for remediation – not on identifying the type of mold or whether it is toxic. It has been our experience that the same types of mold always present themselves once water damage occurs. These types of mold are known for the health risks that they pose. The procedures for mold remediation are the same for all know species of mold.

Unfortunately, we cannot give mold remediation estimates over the phone, as there is no way to accurately identify the scope of work involved without seeing it in person and performing a thorough on-site investigation.

Please contact our office TODAY at 888-373-9243 to schedule a mold inspection.

Treating Your Mold Problem – Step By Step

1. If you are experiencing any illnesses or conditions that don’t seem to be getting better, see your doctor. Tell him or her about the mold in your home. Knowledge about mold will help the doctor correctly diagnose you.

2. Make sure to have your home tested by a qualified mold tester. They will inspect the mold, give you an accurate assessment and provide you with a written report that will advise you on how to remove it. A licensed mold tester is a trained professional who will provide you with a thorough report and advise you on what to do next.

3. Mold can be caused by many things such as a leak in the roof, a leak in a pipe, a humidifier that is set too high, etc. By fixing the problem, the mold will not return.

4. If your insurance covers mold removal, then you can skip this step. However, if it is not covered by your insurance, you should get your home tested.

5. The mold tester can then give you more information on what the best course of action is. Depending on what you decide, the cost of mold removal could be different. Here are some guidelines to help you decide what you should do.

6. You should not attempt to remove mold yourself, you will most likely end up sick and it may take a while for you to fully recover. You should contact a professional mold remediation company that will be able to remove the mold from your home and be safe in doing so. They will have all the equipment and training necessary to do so.

7. It is vital that you find a mold remediation company that is trustworthy, reputable, and can do the job properly. You want a mold remediation company that is familiar with mold removal. This will help them provide a more effective and efficient service. You can contact the Better Business Bureau or the Health Department to check the company’s history. It is also important that the mold tester is impartial and does not have any conflicts of interest. The tester should also have no financial ties to the company, so they cannot give biased or inaccurate advice.

9. After the mold has been removed, it is important to air-test for mold. This is done by a tester to check for mold in the air. The goal is to remove the mold to the same levels as outside. Mold is impossible to remove all of the time, so the goal is to try to get the levels to the same levels as outside.

10. You need to be proactive about preventing mold in the future. Here are more tips on how to do this.

What will my out-of-pocket expenses be

Q. I have water damage and mold but my insurance plan will only cover so much for the mold damage. What will my out-of-pocket expenses be?

A. Many insurance carriers have a “mold cap”. This means that if there is mold discovered at a covered water damage claim, the insurance will only cover a certain amount of the work required to remediate the mold damage. The good news is that much of the work required to remediate the mold is necessary for water damage mitigation also, and can be charged accordingly. This way, charges justified under water damage can be mostly covered by insurance and, most often, the charges specifically related to mold remediation fall under the insurance cap, and your out-of-pocket expenses are limited to your deductible. Ask your insurance adjuster if mold is covered under your policy and if there is a “mold cap”. We advocate for you and are specialists at presenting the proper documentation to your insurance company.

What will your mold inspection uncover?

Q. I have a musty smell in my house and I think I have mold, what will your San Diego mold inspection uncover?

A. A musty or moldy odor is very often an indicator of elevated moisture and possibly an unseen mold problem. There are two ways to try and locate an unseen issue. Our moisture meters can detect elevated moisture levels behind walls, which may indicate a source (such as a plumbing leak or exterior water intrusion). Even though our moisture meters cannot detect mold itself, mold requires constant moisture to cultivate, and therefore finding moisture is a good place to start. We can then perform an “invasive inspection”, where our technicians cut small holes in the wall at the most likely source points, and perform a visual inspection or insert a boroscope (thin flexible camera) to try and visually locate mold growth.

The only way to definitively know if you have a mold problem without cutting into walls is to have a laboratory collect air samples to submit for laboratory analysis. If you think you might have a mold problem that is currently unseen, but would like to avoid inspection holes cut in your walls, contact our office at 888-373-9243 for an air testing laboratory recommendation.

San Diego mold inspection

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