Toxic Mold Remediation

Mold Remediation and Flood Restoration: Toxic Mold Types

Everyone is exposed to mold on a regular basis in the outdoor air. When molds grow
indoors, however, the concentration (and the impact they have on people) is greater.

Molds that are routinely encountered are not necessarily hazardous to healthy individuals,
but two seemingly similar people may have drastically different physical responses to
mold exposure. People with compromised immune systems, breathing difficulties or
allergies are more likely to suffer ill effects. The same is also true of infants and children,
pregnant women and the elderly. There are an estimated one hundred common indoor
molds that can be harmful to humans.

Based on their health effects, molds are broken down into three groups:

1) Allergenic Molds: Normally not dangerous, but can cause allergic or asthmatic
symptoms such as wheezing or a runny nose. These molds do not usually produce life
threatening health effects, and are most likely to affect those who are already allergenic
or asthmatic. 10% to 30% of all asthmatics are sensitive to fungi.

2) Pathogenic Molds: These can cause serious health effects in persons with suppressed
immune systems or autoimmunity disorders, chemotherapy patients or those suffering
from HIV/AIDS. Opportunistic fungal pathogens (disease-causing organisms) such as
Aspergillus can generally be resisted by a normal, healthy individual (although high
exposures can cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis). However, just about any mold
that can grow at body temperature can become a pathogen in an individual with a
compromised immune system.

3) Toxic Molds: These create toxins (called Mycotoxins) that can cause serious health
effects in almost anybody. These agents are fungal metabolites that can have toxic effects
ranging from short-term irritation to immuno-suppression and even cancer. Most of the
diseases caused by Mycotoxins result from the ingestion of contaminated food or liquid.
However, Mycotoxins are found within some kinds of fungus spores, and these can enter
the through the respiratory tract. Skin contact with Mycotoxins can also have significant
health ramifications; toxins of several fungi can cause cases of severe dermatosos.

In all cases where mold is found, the conditions contributing to the mold growth (water
leaks, moisture accumulation, high levels of humidity, etc.) should be addressed at the
same time the mold growth is eliminated.

If the moisture source is not repaired at the same time, new mold growth can begin in as
little as 24-48 hours. This is a CRTICAL part of the mold remediation process. Please
contact a flood restoration company or a mold remediation professional today if you need
assistance in resolving the moisture source issue and subsequent mold remediation.

For more information, contact your San Diego mold remediation specialists 24 hours a day at 888-373-9243 or email us at . Read more about San Diego Gold Coast Flood Restorations & Mold Remediation in the news by clicking HERE